the audacity…
The “terrible-twos” times two, are… something.
I’m not sure if I completely wiped my memory of this chapter with my oldest out of my mind… or if it is just the fact we have two toddlers at the same time, but the “terrible'-two” stage is no joke this time around.
I LOVE the fact that my littles are gaining their independence more and more each day, and that their little personalities are blossoming.
But also… they are gaining their independence more and more each day… and their personalities… ummm… yeah. Lol.
Just to give you a little taste, here are some of the things I had the AUDACITY to do to my tots this week:
Give them apple juice in the wrong cups…
Refuse to play the entirety of a 120-minute long non-stop Baby Shark compilation on YouTube…
Drive to get them the very meal they requested, and expect them to eat it…
Refuse to run back upstairs (for the 100th time) for socks for my daughter to wear with her SLIP ON (no-sock-needed) shoes…
Give them food in the very bowls they cried for… but 14 milliseconds too late…
Give them the wrong colored spoons…
Make my son pick three toys for bed instead of 167…
Dress them…
Look at them…
So yes, in case you were wondering… the toddler life times two is as splendid and as wonderful as you might imagine. :)
Comment below if you can empathize!!