We can keep that…

Happy New Year’s Eve eve. If you haven’t started already... the next 24-48 hours are the obligatory days to reflect on the prior year and think about what the new year will look like. Heehee!

One thing 2020 has taught us is that you can’t always plan exactly how you want the future to look. This was incredibly hard for me to adjust to, but instead of throwing 2020 — and everything that came with it — the deuces, I thought I would instead share five things from the past year that I’ll be more than happy to bring with me next year and beyond. 

  1. Technology and remote work - I’ve actually been 100% remote for several years, but being a part of the majority rather than the minority has been amazing on the work front (hello inclusion). I’m also loving tele-health! 🙌🏾

  2. Diversity awareness, acceptance, and increased inclusivity - Speaking of inclusion... we have made major progress on this front. And though we have a lot further to go... I have never felt more seen than I did this year.

  3. Zoom, Facetime, etc. - I know we have all had our fair share of Zoom events this year, and although they may have lost some of their luster, I credit them for making it painfully obvious how easy it is to connect with folks you may not otherwise.

  4. Intentionality - Working full time with three kids at home forced me to be intentional with my time (and energy, and... everything). For the sake of everyone’s sanity... It’s a non-negotiable.

  5. Quality time with my family - Last but absolutely not least... the quality time with my family and clarity of mind to understand that quantity does not - in and of itself - equate to quality time.

  6. Bonus - curbside everything, Instacart and Amazon Prime. No explanation needed. 🤪

I could actually continue — surprisingly - but I’ll stop there! Lol! Let me know below some of the things from 2020 you are looking forward to keeping next year and beyond! And be sure to share this post with someone that you want to do the same!




Overcompensating much??